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Thursday, January 13, 2005

Mobile Learning

3T Productions Ltd has now released the fifth of a series of discussion papers and articles which aim to raise an awareness of the issues affecting staff, learners and organisations within the post-14 sector.

This latest paper Mobile Learning, discusses the possible uses of handheld computers within education/training and the workplace.

Previous papers have included:

Unlocking the Potential of Information Learning Technology (ILT)
Discusses issues relating to learning styles and how ILT can be used within flexible, e-learning environments, to enhance the learning

Adult, Community and Work-Based Learning: e-learning
Discusses issues affecting adult learners and highlights how the effective integration of e-learning can enhance the learning experience.

Using ICT to develop the 14 to 19 curriculum
This highlights some of the main points from the review of the 14-19 curriculum and their implications for schools, colleges and the workplace.

Change Management
Paper three highlighted the need for effective change management if the recommendations put forward by the reform of the 14-19 curriculum were to be implemented effectively. This paper highlights some of the key principles of change management within education/training/workplace environments.

You can download pdf copies of all five papers from the 3tProductions website.


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