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Monday, February 07, 2005

February Issue of Info@UK

The February Issue of Info@UK is now available online.

(Info@UK is a monthly guide to major developments and news on the UK Information Society. It is compiled for the British Council by the Information Management Research Institute at Northumbria University)

February's is a very full issue, and to whet your appetite here’s a quick outline of just some of the content in each of its main sections:

UK National Developments and News:

Public libraries 24/7 - The first phase of the new People’s Network Service was recently launched to library professionals. ‘The People’s Network Online Enquiry Service will deliver a real-time information service to the public by providing 'live’ access to library and information professionals across the internet…
International Developments and News:

Sharing scholarly materials across the world - This project involves the use of ‘a new internet technology which allows students and faculty around the globe to share their scholarly materials. The technology removes the need for repeated authentication of individual users, whilst protecting their privacy and valuable intellectual property...
Latest World news on the digital divide:

OpenOffice translated into Swahili - This pioneering effort does not only aim to localize free and open source software to the Swahili language, but also create awareness among swahili speakers of the benefits of using and extending open source software.’ One of the activities has been translating into Swahili - Jambo OpenOffice…
EU Developments:

Public on-line consultation on eAccessibility - The European Commission ‘has launched a public consultation on how to make the benefits of Information and Communication Technologies available to the widest possible range of citizens, including to older people and people with disabilities...
Research and Innovation News:

Navigable digital books for the blind - The National Library for the Blind (NLB) is running a pilot project, DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System), with Dolphin Audio Publishing. ‘DAISY is a form of electronic book which brings together a number of different formats (text, audio and pictures) into an accessible, navigable digital book…
Internet Resources:

Web resources on FOI - The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) has created a list of Web resources on Freedom of Information…

Firefox; a free, open source browser - Firefox is an open source Web browser that is getting rave reviews and is a serious rival to Internet Explorer…

Google digital libraries - Google has set up partnerships with major libraries to digitise parts of their collections and make them available online…
New Publications:

The future of the Internet - A wide-ranging survey of technology leaders, scholars, industry officials, and analysts finds that most internet experts expect attacks on the network infrastructure in the coming decade as the internet becomes more embedded in everyday and commercial life…
The Digital Divide in 2025: an independent study conducted for BT - The report defines digital exclusion as not having access to the internet at home and forecasted the extent of this divide in 2025…
You can access the full articles in their online newsletter or subscribe to receive a regular copy by email. (Links to some of the featured sites and resources have also been added to my Furl archive).


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