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Thursday, January 27, 2005

Post-16 e-Learning Provision

Becta (the British Education and Communications Technology Agency) has recently awarded a contract to Vantaggio Ltd to undertake a research study into e-learning provision for the Post-16 education sector. (This is a broad and diverse sector, involving Further Education, Sixth Form Colleges, Work Based Learning as well as Adult and Community Learning).

The information gathered during the review will be used to inform the development of a 5 year content strategy for the post-16 sector. You can participate by completing the questionnaire hosted on the Ferl website.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Monday, January 17, 2005

What The Heck Is RSS, And What Can It Do For Me?

Someone asked me what RSS was recently and although I did my best to explain, this article from Mitch Wagner, would have come in really handy. It’s actually entitled “I came, I saw, I RSS’d” but I think it’s opening line “What The Heck Is RSS, And What Can It Do For Me?really captures what the article is about.

In it he describes what RSS is, what it can do for you, tells you how to get started, recommends some software and lets you know some if its limitations. So if you’ve only heard of RSS and are interested to know more this is a very good place to start.

via elearnopedia

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Just letters

Common Craft posted this link to Just Letters which I thought was just great!
“It's a simple page with nothing but letters of the alphabet, as if they were displayed on a fridge. Up to 50 people at once move the letters around independently, creating this anonymous, chaotic environment where it's impossible to have any real control. Pointless and juvenile, yes, but worth short look and a laugh.”
What a great bit of fun!

(I'll warn you, that being uncensored you may have to ignore the odd rude word - but just try writing a complete phrase before someone pinches your letters!!)

Mobile Learning

3T Productions Ltd has now released the fifth of a series of discussion papers and articles which aim to raise an awareness of the issues affecting staff, learners and organisations within the post-14 sector.

This latest paper Mobile Learning, discusses the possible uses of handheld computers within education/training and the workplace.

Previous papers have included:

Unlocking the Potential of Information Learning Technology (ILT)
Discusses issues relating to learning styles and how ILT can be used within flexible, e-learning environments, to enhance the learning

Adult, Community and Work-Based Learning: e-learning
Discusses issues affecting adult learners and highlights how the effective integration of e-learning can enhance the learning experience.

Using ICT to develop the 14 to 19 curriculum
This highlights some of the main points from the review of the 14-19 curriculum and their implications for schools, colleges and the workplace.

Change Management
Paper three highlighted the need for effective change management if the recommendations put forward by the reform of the 14-19 curriculum were to be implemented effectively. This paper highlights some of the key principles of change management within education/training/workplace environments.

You can download pdf copies of all five papers from the 3tProductions website.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Tackling social exclusion through new technologies

If you're involved in using ICT with disadvantaged groups, then here's your chance to have a say.

The Social Exclusion Unit (ODPM) would like to invite you to take part in their "Inclusion through innovation" project which aims to gather views and opinions on how ICT could be used to improve outcomes and service delivery for disadvantaged groups. They would like to get as many views and opinions as possible to help inform the project and have a questionnaire that you can complete online.

Via Ferl

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Evaluation of Tools used in 'Designing for Learning'

In November I briefly mentioned the JISC e-Learning Development Programme and introduced the four strands that it covers. JISC is now inviting tenders from individuals and teams with suitable expertise to carry out an evaluation study under the e-Learning and Pedagogy strand.

This study will investigate tools in use by practitioners in UK further, higher and continuing/adult and community education to support the process of ‘designing for learning’.

Up to £60,000 is available, and may be awarded to a single project covering a range of relevant tools, or to a number of smaller projects looking at specific tools. The deadline for tenders is 10th February 2005.

The full invitation to tender is available on the JISC Website.

Call for free pensioner learning

“Most people believe pensioners should be given access to free education, a survey suggests. The Association of Colleges says the government is focusing its funding on improving younger people's skills, squeezing money for adult learning. Some colleges say they are having to raise fees or cut courses.

Of the 2,045 people questioned for the AoC across Britain, 82% said education should be free to all the UK's 10 million pensioners.”

You can read the full story in BBC news