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Friday, September 23, 2005

Yahoo New Instant Search Feature

Yahoo is testing a new instant search feature that'll give instant information without having to load a results page. Just type your search term in one letter at a time and see the results instantly change as you do. Might have to try a few different terms to see it work but try it out for yourself here.

Via ResearchBuzz


At 9:47 pm, Blogger David said...

Hello there

It looks like the search engines are trying to work out what's the next big thing. Google has a similar feature that it calls Google Suggest.

A couple of the other things Google has bubbling away in its labs also look interesting. For example Personalized Search and My Search History. It looks like the next generation of search engines will focus on delivering results that are not only delivered quickly and in quantity, but results that are relevant to the individual doing the search.


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