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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

OpenSource Software and TheOpenCD

Ok, this is a little old now but is something I meant to post weeks ago. Still, better late than never...!

Some time ago I briefly mentioned The OpenCD (which has Open Office) and described how a learning centre in West Sussex was using it with their learners.

I didn’t go into much detail but Edugadet have since looked at OpenOffice Version 2 and wrote up a really good evaluation of some of its key features. Not ‘a point by point review of the software’ but more general impressions of what each of its components can do.

If you haven’t yet seen OpenOffice this article might be useful for showing you what you might be missing. It offers a good outline of what’s included and how these packages to compare to their mainstream equivalents. As touched on in the post, it’s also a good introduction to FOSS (Free and Open Source Software).

If you’re interested in Open Source, you can find out exactly why it makes sense for education in a previous post. Alternatively Becta have also recently been looking at the impact that Open Source can have on schools. They have put together an information sheet (pdf) that identifies benefits and issues that LEAs need to be aware of when considering open source software. Not quite Adult and Community Learning but still useful for outlining the issues involved with moving to open source software generally.


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