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Thursday, August 04, 2005

EduBlogging in the UK

Josie Fraser is organising an edublogger meet up in Manchester on Tuesday night, 6th September. This co-incides with the first day of the ALT-C conference but the meet ups for anyone interested in edublogging; non-conference attendees are also welcome. Find out more, get maps and details or sign up over at EdTechUK.

(If you can make it I’ll see you there…!)

Josie has also now set up a wiki, which is quickly developing into a very useful directory of UK based edubloggers.
"If you're edblogging from England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales, as a researcher, teacher, edtech, administrator, academic or learner, or facilitating education based blogging, please head over and leave your details….”
If you’re not, it’s still a good signpost to loads of UK based edublogs you may want to read. I know I’ll be subscribing to a few myself!


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