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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

How to use Snippy

I’ve had a couple of recent queries about Snippy (the screen capture tool which I mentioned last week) so I’ve decided to answer here in case anyone else has the same question. It seems it’s not clear how to access it once it’s been downloaded so using Snippy for illustrations, here’s a quick guide.

I installed the software to my desktop just to make it easier to access, so if you have done the same you will see that it just sits there as an icon that looks like this:

If that pair of scissors is now on your desktop too it's been downloaded OK.

To use it, unless you have put it in your start up menu you will have to activate it first, which you do by just double clicking it. When you do this, even though it looks at though nothing has happened you should notice a small pair of scissors in the system tray of your computer, down by the clock. Something like this:

The default setting is a thick red line so you might want to change that to begin. To do this, right click the scissors icon in your system tray to get the settings. This will bring up the following dialog box:

Choose the line thickness and colour that you want, then OK.

Now to use it, to make an irregular selection of whatever is on the screen, click that small pair of scissors in your system tray and your mouse pointer will changed to a pen. So now you can draw around something. This will capture the image to the clipboard. Open Word (or whatever you want to put the image into, perhaps Photo Editor if you want to save it as a picture?) click paste and (fingers crossed) it should appear.

To make a rectangular selection you do almost the same, ie click the small scissors icon again (the one in the system tray) and draw but while holding the shift key down at the same time. Then paste, again into the application of your choice.

I hope that helps – but feel free to email me if you have any problems!


At 2:26 PM, Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Guide to Snippy. I found it very easy to understand and it has helped me a great deal. I can now snip away with confidence.

At 2:28 PM, soolon said...

Goodbye to cropping - thanks for the link.

At 2:35 PM, Theresa said...

No problem, I'm glad you found it useful!