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Monday, September 05, 2005

WebQuests and Requests for Help

I was asked recently if I knew of any resources that would support a group of Gujarati speaking learners who were learning IT. I know of Becta’s Say IT sheets (which translate common IT terms from English into other languages) and a few other bits and bobs, but other than that I was a bit stumped.

So I tried ACLearn’s Learning Content Resource Exchange, Ferl's Teaching and Learning Resource Bank and the other Furl too, and although these sites have loads of great stuff for languages and IT I found very little stuff about IT written IN another language. So, over to you with an appeal for help…

Do you know of any good IT resources that might be useful to support learners with a Gujarati heritage and if so please would you either leave a comment below (anonymous of otherwise) or email me with your suggestions? As well as helping to solve this particular quandary I’m sure they will be useful for anyone else looking for the same (and it is fun to share.)

I will just add, that I wasn’t completely hopeless in my response though and I was able to signpost something that I knew of.

Last year I was involved in setting up WebQuests with the community as a way of encouraging tutors to create online activities and resources. (Becta offer some free software for creating these). I showed someone here how to create a WebQuest for Capturing your Past – an autobiography project. This was in English but was so successful that she then went on to set up another one along the same lines, for a group of Gujarati speaking learners.

This WebQuest 'Mari Jivankatha' was an online activity that could be used by adults with a Gujarati heritage who wanted to document their personal history. In it the learner works through online material and produces a booklet (in Gujarati) which when completed could be an important family or community resource. If you think it sound useful, you are welcome to use it. It's online and free to access.

So in a possible list of Gujarati sites at least we have Resource Number 1. I hope it gets the ball rolling and encourages you to add your comments or suggestions. I’ll say thanks in advance, and I'll keep my fingers crossed that you can help.

On the subject of WebQuests, if you want more information on what they are and ways that they can be used in your teaching ACLearn's WebQuest site is a good first point of call. You can also read individual case studies and explore a different WebQuest each month here. Finally, if you are already using them (and eagerly awaiting the roll out of Becta's new free toolkit for Adult and Community Learning – hint, hint!), learn how to Overcome Obstacles to Quicker WebQuest Creation here.


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